Vance claimed that pursuing peace needs to be about more than bringing an end to wars such as the Russia-Ukraine war. He also said it needs to be about protecting religious liberties all over the world.
“Over the past 40 years, it has often been historical Christian communities who bear the brunt of failed American policy, and that is, in my view, perhaps the most important way in which Donald Trump has been a defender of Christian rights all over the world; is he has a foreign policy that is oriented toward peace. We have done it already so much in the past 30 days, and I’m proud that we will work for peace in the remaining four years of President Trump’s term,” Vance said.
Vance made a point of encouraging attendees to continue to make their concerns known to the Trump administration about religious freedom and also to make a point of letting it be known when they feel things have been done well for upholding religious freedom.