8 Recent Executive Orders That Enhance Religious Liberty in America


President Trump has signed more executive orders in his first 100 days as President than any other president since Harry Truman, who signed 57. Franklin Roosevelt still holds the record at 93, according to ABC News. When President Trump took office, most Americans felt the country was on the wrong track regarding its future. But as of Friday, Rasmussen Reports found that 45 percent of likely U.S. voters feel the country is headed in the right direction, which is a two-decade high. 

By now, President Trump has signed well over 100 executive orders, some of which are friendly to helping protect freedom of religion in America. Many Christians were pleased to know that Trump invited Scott Turner to open the first White House Cabinet meeting in prayer. He also used his executive power to issue pardons to 23 pro-life protesters who former President Biden had imprisoned because he said they were interfering with the abortion clinic’s services during their protest, according to The Daily Signal.

Here are some recent executive orders that enhance and strengthen freedom of religion in America. These are all noted at WhiteHouse.gov and provide a very high-level view of each executive order.

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Samuel Corum/Stringer

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