Ben Johnson writes at TheWashingtonStand:
In a finding that turns conventional wisdom on its head, a researcher has found that so-called “conversion therapy” aimed at reducing unwanted homosexual or lesbian attraction makes people less likely to consider suicide than those who continue to live the unbridled LGBTQ lifestyle.
Although transgender activists have linked conversion therapy — which its advocates prefer to call “change-allowing talk therapy,” or “Sexual Orientation Change Efforts” (SOCE) — the studies have gotten the results backwards, because they counted suicide attempts or suicidal ideation patients had before receiving conversion therapy care.
“‘Conversion’ therapy actually reduces gay suicide,” said Rev. Dr. Paul Sullins, a Roman Catholic priest and former professor of sociology, at a press conference attended by The Washington Stand. Those who claim “conversion therapy” increased the likelihood of suicide “made the fundamental error of attributing an effect to a cause that happened before the event,” he said. “We’ve known since Aristotle that causes have to precede effects.”
“The problem with their study is that most of the suicide morbidity that the participants expressed happened before they went” through change-allowing talk therapy. Nearly two out of three people who experienced suicidal ideation and half of those who had planned, intended, or attempted suicide did so before receiving therapy aimed at reducing unwanted same-sex attraction, Sullins’s research found.
“By their backwards logic, lung cancer could cause habitual smoking,” Sullins wrote. “Imagine a study that found … most people using anti-depressant drugs also suffered depression and breathlessly argued we should ban anti-depressants, because people who are exposed to them have more depression. That kind of study would have the same kind of backwards logic” as studies that “attempt to show us the harm” of conversion therapy.
The Habsburg Way
Eduard Habsburg, also known as Archduke Eduard of Austria, is a Hungarian diplomat and ambassador to the Holy See and the Sovereign Order of Malta. His family reigned in Austria, Hungary, Germany, Spain (and quite a few other places) for centuries. He and his wife, Baroness Maria Theresia von Gudenus, have six children. Eduard is the author of several books, including The Habsburg Way; the children’s book Dubbie: The Double-Headed Eagle; volumes on Thomas Aquinas, James Bond, and Harry Potter; novels; and screenplays.
Amb. Habsburg explains why the first chapter of The Habsburg Way is, “Get married and have lots of children.”
“What makes a family happy is if you are blessed with many children. It’s the greatest gift you can give to each other as spouses, the greatest gift you can give to your children. The amount of strength, friendship, love, sense of humor, and mutual assistance they give each other is so strong … If you are lucky enough to have a good experience of childhood with many siblings, that’s the greatest thing in the world.”
“We believe large families are the cornerstone and the basic material for a just, good, merciful state. I don’t know how you would learn all the virtues you need to be a compassionate human being if not around the dinner table fighting with your siblings about the food. This is the place where you learn.”
“If you have siblings, this is the only thing that keeps you from totally getting sucked into that screen. If you have siblings, you have reality around you.”
Amb. Habsburg shares his thoughts on the United States: “The American project has a freshness. And in many ways, I believe that America is a hope for our world today … I believe many American ideas will heal the world.”
Learn the inspiring outcomes Hungary has had by incentivizing its people to have more children.
Find out why the European Union may be withholding funding to Hungary because of their policies on gender and sex education.
And finally, hear Amb. Habsburg describe the delightful centuries-old New Year’s traditions in Vienna.
Watch on Locals, YouTube, Bitchute or Odysee.
Natural Womanhood: Safe Sex-Ed for Pre-Teen Girls
Natural Womanhood is a nonprofit organization to inform girls, women, and couples about the science of fertility, promote natural alternatives to harmful birth control, and advocate for women’s health. Their on-line video series assists mothers in teaching their daughters about fertility.
Five reasons your daughter or granddaughter needs this series:
- She will not learn the truth without your help. Other influences will tell her half-truths, misleading stories about herself, and even outright lies.
- Puberty is a major interruption in her life. Understanding her fertility will help her understand her identity.
- She is not too young to learn this information. This course is not about sex; it teaches the truth about the female body like no other course does.
- Medical responses are not always adequate and can often have negative consequences. She needs to be equipped to resist the pressure to get on contraception as a teen.
- Without proper education, she is more likely to develop false ideas about herself. She may think she must perform a certain way to be loved and accepted. This is a dangerous way of thinking and is why so many young women get hurt or experience mental health difficulties.
Read more and access the course here.
The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love. The Ruth Institute’s Founder and President, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives and Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village. Subscribe to our newsletter and YouTube channel to get all our latest news.