Stuntwoman Helen Gibson was known as the ‘Daughter of Daring’


In the earliest days of film, one star was such a box-office success that she was able to sustain a career in Hollywood over 45 years and hundreds of movies. But despite Helen Gibson’s loyal fans, her fearless stunts, and her role as a pioneer, not many people know about her today.

Mallory O’Meara’s biography “Daughter of Daring: The Trick-Riding, Train-Leaping, Road-Racing Life of Helen Gibson, Hollywood’s First Stuntwoman” dusts off Gibson’s remarkable legacy.  

As the book demonstrates, Gibson became a beloved icon because she offered female viewers a kind of wish fulfillment. Her emergence on screen coincided with a post-World War I era in which many American women felt like they were being told, in essence, “Thank you for serving in the workforce while your brothers and husbands were away fighting, but now that the war is over we want men to take the reins again.” Women were encouraged to go home, keep house, and have babies. 

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