Palm oil puts Borneo at risk of fires. Indonesian women put them out.


The women adjust hard hats over hijabs and pull on knee-high boots. Then they set off into what was once a dense forest of rubber and bamboo trees but is now a patchwork of small-scale palm oil fields.

Everyone knows who they are. Their scarlet, elbow-patched uniforms with flames snaking up the torso, and the image of a firefighter emblazoned on the chest, give it away.

This is the Power of Mama.

Why We Wrote This

The palm oil industry has put Indonesian Borneo at risk of devastating wildfires. Ahead of International Women’s Day March 8, The Christian Science Monitor joins an all-female firefighting force on patrol.

Across Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo, lush rainforest hosting carbon-rich peatland and one of the country’s most significant populations of orangutans meets illegal logging and palm oil farms. That adds up to wildfires.

So Power of Mama members have started patrolling for fire risks, urging farmers to follow the rules about slash-and-burn clearing, and challenging stereotypes about women’s roles in rural Indonesian life along the way.

Female forest rangers in Indonesia are rare, says Eulis Utami, director of an nongovernmental organization called Hutan Itu Indonesia, or Indonesia is Forest, which aims to educate Indonesians about their tropical rainforest, the world’s third-largest. But when women are given training and information, she says, “They protect the forest with their whole hearts.”

Lindsey McGinnis/The Christian Science Monitor

Local Power of Mama patrollers pose for a photo in Sungai Putri, Indonesia, Feb. 25, 2025.

The environmental stakes

In untouched forests of West Kalimantan, orangutans build their nests high up in trees. Hornbills soar through the vines with deep swoops of their wings. The chirps of songbirds mingle with the “o-ho!” calls of gibbons.

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