Politics and humanity: Amid a torrent of news, eddies of calm


I love puzzles, so one of my favorite tasks as Weekly editor is to coordinate the lineup of stories that fill these pages.

It’s a multifaceted challenge. Variety is key, not just topical, but geographical and ideological as well. Another consideration is the availability of compelling photography and artwork. But one of the trickiest factors to wrangle is timing. Between our printer deadline and the variability of mail delivery, we have to cast our thinking forward two to three weeks in the future. 

When U.S. President Donald Trump took office in late January, events in Washington were changing rapidly. We couldn’t reasonably assume that what was accurate at the time a story ran on www.CSMonitor.com would still be accurate when the Weekly magazine landed in mailboxes. In those instances, we tucked in reminders to look to our website for ongoing coverage.

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