Grab your wooly cap and boots – winter is the new beach season.


A beach in high summer is predictable: hot sun, murmuring surf, a bright expanse of sand filled with people, towels, beach chairs, and the scent of sunscreen. But an offseason beach often holds surprises – even treasure. Sometimes a lot of it.

My wife and I live in a northern latitude that would seem to limit what TV meteorologists deem “beach days,” but we have humbler criteria. A good beach day is sunny, without too much wind or too many people. New Year’s Day, for example, is now a tradition for us – and for others, too, judging from the clumps of ski-parkaed and woolly-capped beachgoers we encounter.

Have you ever seen it snow at the beach? Snowflakes sift onto the wave tops and disappear. The onshore breeze keeps snow from accumulating much. Instead, it forms long thin lines on the sand, too sparse and dry to make a decent snowball. The whoosh of breaking waves sounds the same in midwinter as it does in midsummer. It’s part dystopian, part delightful.

Why We Wrote This

Overlooked places, such as a beach in late winter, can yield a surprising tide of riches – if we’re paying attention.

Add to that the occasional cinematic thrill of horses splashing through the surf. Dogs are also welcome offseason, and they are mostly ecstatic and a blur. Owners of long-haired breeds seem wistful, if not a bit morose, as they lead their happily drenched and sand-coated charges back to the parking lot. That will be a smelly ride home. 

Spring provides the most surprises at the beach. Winter storms may have profoundly altered the shoreline, erasing a sandbar here, adding a new one there, or sculpting a long sand cliff along the high-tide line. The ribs of a 19th-century shipwreck dramatically appear and disappear from season to season. 

You can pretend that the weather is warmer than it truly is and shed your shoes and socks at the base of the boardwalk steps. The sand is damp and not unpleasantly cool, but it’s best to walk into the wind going out so that it’s at your back when you turn for home. 

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