When I need to sit on my mental
hands, my prayer reaches for
stillness, like that of a glazed lake
where no ripples fragment the
motionless replica of trees and sky;
but what if the blustering tempest
of what-ifs just keeps swirling?
Deeper, we can accept with joy God’s
shepherding of us to the stillness
of Soul – palpably felt-in-the-storm
serenity – supremely unmoved,
unstirred by hollow human currents
of fear and winds of worry; the limitless
calm only God, Spirit, can give – forever
expressed in His profoundly loved,
wholly spiritual children – all of us,
whose Soul-derived divine nature
truly rests in sacred stillness.
Prayerful stillness wakes us to our
unity with pure good, urges us to take
in its reality, makes us alive to its
constant presence.
Quietly attuned only to God, good, no
wonder we hardly notice the storm’s end.