Part of a series called “Stewarding the Awakening” from Conversations with Christians Engaged — a podcast dedicated to helping believers continue walking in faith while navigating the muddy ways of politics and culture.
This week, Stream contributor and pastor Shane Idleman joins Bunni Pounds on Conversations with Christians Engaged to discuss “Stewarding the Awakening.” Shane is a bold pastor who is not afraid to address social issues, but he has also developed a culture of prayer and fasting in his local church. He offers great insight on how to keep a posture of prayer within a move of God and within local church community, how to remain connected to Jesus even as God is using us, and how to lead our families in pursuing the Lord.
Watch this week’s episode above or listen to it in your favorite podcast app. And join us again next week for another part in the series “Stewarding the Awakening,” discussing key truths that Christians need to understand in anticipation of the coming moves of God.
Meanwhile, it’s never too late to take the Pledge to Pray, Vote, and Engage!
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