01/16/2024 Myanmar (International Christian Concern) – A fragile ceasefire brokered by the Chinese government on January 14 between the Tatmadaw and one of the pro-democracy military groups (the Three Brotherhood Alliance) was reportedly broken within hours of the agreement being signed. While war rages on throughout the country, Chinese officials tried to arrange a ceasefire in Shan State between the warring parties so they could protect and advance Chinese interests in Shan State (which borders China). But this was broken as fierce fighting continued. About 10% of Shan State are Christians.
As the civil war continues, the Tatmadaw military dictatorship continues to lose massive amounts of ground, armed conflicts, and strategic sites as these ethnic armed militias from around Myanmar join together to overthrow the Tatmadaw since the rebellion began on Oct. 27, 2023. ICC is continuing to monitor this volatile situation and working with local partners to establish ways to help suffering Christians affected by the civil war.
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