According to a new Pew Research poll, there is a broad division in views between voters who will vote for President Biden or former President Donald Trump in the 2024 election when it comes to issues including marriage, abortion, gender identity, same-sex marriage, and the role of religion in the United States. When asked if they believed “society is better off if people make marriage and having children a priority,” 59 percent of Trump supporters rescinded in the affirmative, while the same response was seen in just 19 percent of Biden supporters. Meanwhile, 37 percent of Trump supporters implied they were “uncomfortable with women not taking their husbands’ last names when they get married,” compared to 13 percent of Biden supporters.
When it came to the declining birthrate in the U.S., 47 percent of Trump supporters viewed it as “bad,” 35 percent saw it as “neither good nor bad,” and 17 percent believed it was “good.” On the other hand, half of Biden supporters (50 percent) were neutral on the declining birthrate, while 27 percent believed it was a positive development and 23 percent viewed it negatively.
According to The Christian Post, the Trump and Biden supporters were divided when it came to the issue of abortion. Nearly half of Biden supporters (46 percent) wanted to see abortion “legal in most cases,” while an additional 42 percent were in favor of laws making abortion “legal in all cases.” A mere eight percent considered abortion should be “illegal in most cases.”
By contrast, half of Trump supporters (50 percent) believed that abortion should be “illegal in most cases,” while 11 percent said it should be “illegal in all cases.” Additionally, 28 percent of Trump supporters favored making abortion “legal in most cases,” while 9 percent believed it should be “legal in all cases.”
The poll also found that a majority of both Trump and Biden supporters considered widespread access to contraception as “good,” even though more Biden voters (93 percent) held to that view than Trump voters (66 percent). Meanwhile, 22 percent of Trump supporters and 5 percent of Biden supporters saw widespread availability of birth control as “neither good nor bad,” while only 11 percent of Trump voters described access to contraception as “bad.”
Regarding gender identity, nearly all Trump supporters (90 percent) agreed that a person’s gender is “determined by the sex assigned at birth,” while 59 percent of Biden supporters agreed with the idea that “whether a person is a man or a woman can be different” from their sex.
Moreover, 66 percent of Biden voters said they were “comfortable” with people using gender-neutral pronouns such as “they/them” instead of “he” or “she,” while 20 percent of Trump supporters opposed the concept. When asked whether they viewed “more people feeling comfortable identifying as gay, lesbian or bisexual than in the past” as “good,” 51 percent of Biden supporters answered in the affirmative.
An additional 35 percent of Biden supporters considered the increased LGBT identification in the U.S. as “neither good nor bad,” while the remaining 13 percent thought it was “bad.” A majority of Trump supporters (53 percent) expressed disapproval of increased LGBT identification, while 36 percent were neutral about it, and 11 percent were in favor of the development.
On the legalization of same-sex marriage in the U.S., 57 percent of Biden supporters consider it “good” for society, 31 percent characterized the development as “neither good nor bad,” and 12 percent considered it “bad.” In contrast, 51 percent of Trump supporters had an unfavorable opinion about the legalization of same-sex marriage, 39 percent were neutral, and 11 percent supported it.
Regarding the idea that “government policies should support religious values and beliefs,” Trump supporters (43 percent) and Biden supporters (13 percent) agreed with the statement. Similarly, 36 percent of Trump supporters agreed that “the Bible should have a great deal of influence on the laws of the U.S.” compared to 11 percent of Biden supporters.
Minor percentages of both Biden (6 percent) and Trump supporters (22 percent) expressed approval of the federal government making Christianity the “official religion of the United States.” Meanwhile, over half of Trump backers (59 percent) believed that the federal government should “promote Christian moral values” than Biden backers (22 percent). Additionally, 58 percent of Biden supporters expressed support for the idea that the federal government should not “promote Christian moral values” (58 percent), while 17 percent of Trump backers said the same.
When asked if they believed it was “necessary to believe in God to be moral and have good values,” 45 percent of Trump supporters answered in the affirmative, while 20 percent of Biden supporters gave the same response.
The report “Cultural Issues and the 2024 Election” was released last Thursday. Its findings were based on responses from 8,749 U.S. adults from April 8 to 14.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Alex Wong/Staff, Getty Images/Win McNamee/Staff
Milton Quintanilla is a freelance writer and content creator. He is a contributing writer for CrosswalkHeadlines and the host of the For Your Soul Podcast, a podcast devoted to sound doctrine and biblical truth. He holds a Masters of Divinity from Alliance Theological Seminary.