Secretary Blinken Encourages U.S. -Nigeria Partnership


01/24/2024 Washington (International Christian Concern) — U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken encouraged Nigeria to partner with the United States as an alternative to the Russia-based Wagner group in his most recent trip to the West African nation.

With 225.1 million people, Nigeria is the most populous nation in Africa. It is among the most economically prosperous African nations, with a GDP of 472.62 billion in U.S. dollars and a GDP per capita of $2,162.60. A thriving democracy with a large population and a booming economy, Nigeria is, naturally, a desired asset to the United States. In recent years, however, Nigeria has experienced severe conflict due to climate change, ethnic tensions, coups of surrounding nations, and religious persecution.

The population of Nigeria is split nearly in half: 50% of the population identifies as Muslim and 48.1% identifies as Christian. Additionally, these two populations have divided themselves: Christians reside primarily in the south and Muslims in the north. Many of the nations bordering Nigeria to the north boast a majority Muslim population and are the host of multiple terrorist organizations. Niger is 98% Muslim, hosts Boko Haram, ISIS-West Africa, and numerous other jihadist groups, and had a military coup in 2023. Chad is 52.1% Muslim, hosts Boko Haram and ISIS-West Africa, and has reports of power consolidation in the administration. Nearby Burkina Faso is 63.8% Muslim, hosts Ansaroul Islam, Islamic State in Greater Sahara, and Jamaat Nasr al-Islam, and had a military coup in 2023.

Secretary Blinken encouraged a partnership with the U.S. as an alternative to the unstable surrounding governments, many of whom the Wagner group backs. The Wagner Group is considered a “significant transnational criminal organization” by the United States government due to its “pattern of serious criminal behavior including violent harassment of journalists, aid workers, and members of minority groups and harassment, obstruction, and intimidation of UN peacekeepers.”

In his speech in Nigeria, Blinken said, “You see the exploitation of people and resources by Wagner… Having said that, it’s important that we’ve been working to support our partners who are trying to find effective ways of fighting insecurity.”

Relations between Nigeria and the U.S. Department of State are under criticism following the failure of the State Department to designate Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern (CPC) under the International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA) in the most recent religious freedom designations. Despite years of documentation of egregious crimes, statistics showing more Christians die for their faith in Nigeria each year than in all other countries combined, and recommendations for the CPC designation from the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) for 14 years, the State Department refuses to acknowledge the religious aspect of the conflicts in the country.

Secretary Blinken did not address religious issues in his time in Nigeria. It is possible, however, that by strengthening overall relations with the government of Nigeria, the United States would feel more comfortable publicly articulating the struggles surrounding religious freedom. Despite IRFA providing potential actions following a CPC designation that could potentially strengthen ties between the two countries, many members of Congress express concerns about condemning Nigeria through the designation.

We hope that through the strengthened ties between the U.S. and Nigeria, the State Department will realize the CPC designation does not require a severed relationship between allies. Looking at other countries like Saudi Arabia, one of the largest trading partners with the U.S. and a continual recipient of a CPC designation, it is clear that positive foreign relations can be maintained while also condemning egregious violations of human rights.

We pray for U.S.-Nigeria relations, particularly following the visit from Secretary Blinken. We pray for Christians in Nigeria who face daily persecution. We pray for bravery within the State Department to criticize allies while maintaining strong relations. We pray for Secretary Blinken and his travels to numerous other African countries.

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