A healing joy – CSMonitor.com


“A joyful heart is good medicine,” the Bible says (Proverbs 17:22, English Standard Version). So often we see the joyful outlook of biblical characters come out in the pages, with healing following. But it’s apparent that this healing joy is never simply grounded in positive thinking or a head-in-the-sand approach to harsh conditions. Instead, it flows from an absolute confidence in God – that God is good, the ever-present Love that is our Father-Mother.

We journeyed through the archives of The Christian Science Publishing Society and selected a few pieces that illustrate the power of spiritual joy, and its availability to each one of us.

The author of “Holy joy” shows that joy can be a protest, insisting on the goodness of God and Her creation, and bringing tangible results.

Abiding in joy” expresses how a joyful trust in God can enable us to embrace the spiritual truth of our being, and usher healing into view.

In “Got joy?,” the author tells how accepting the God-given joy that is ever present frees us from fear and sadness and opens us to harmonious resolutions of problems.

Decisive joy” explores how the Life that is God always includes joy. The author writes, “To thrive there has to be joy.”

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