Internationally, the frequency, severity, and cost of extreme weather have been increasing in recent years. Is there something individuals can do to make a positive difference?
The Bible records positive impacts on the weather and earth’s elements as a result of spiritual understanding and obedience to God, divine Love. Jesus calmed stormy seas. Moses, trusting in the “salvation of the Lord,” parted the Red Sea (see Exodus 14:13-22) – a manifestation of God’s presence completely negating the laws of physics.
There are also wonderful accounts of Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, praying about the weather on the basis of God’s loving control. (A helpful narrative on this can be found at
In her primary work, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” she writes, “All that really exists is the divine Mind and its idea, and in this Mind the entire being is found harmonious and eternal. The straight and narrow way is to see and acknowledge this fact, yield to this power, and follow the leadings of truth” (p. 151).
As a private pilot, I’ve had many encounters with bad weather and its impact. I have learned to see weather and climate issues as invitations to lean into the understanding of God – who is the one Mind, ever-present Spirit – and His spiritual laws eternally governing His creation with order and precision.
One time, the weather forecast was for storms to develop as the day progressed. A storm front was approaching my departure airport. Since the storm was still some miles away, I went ahead and ascended to my assigned altitude. Within a short time, though, my storm scope detected behind me an alarming buildup of wind and lightning.
The storm was traveling toward me at a speed that would soon cause it to overtake and engulf my aircraft. It dawned on me that it was a tornado, and I had only a few minutes before the outer edge of it would impact me.
At that moment, something deep in me opened up to God. A thought came to mind that was a quote from Science and Health: “Jesus prayed; he withdrew from the material senses to refresh his heart with brighter, with spiritual views” (p. 32). I engaged the aircraft’s autopilot and, closing my eyes, again opened my heart to God. Immediately an assurance came that where a physical system called wind seemed to be, there was, in reality, only the harmless energy of Spirit. And this could bring only good. This gave me comfort.
A fearful thought came: “You are out of time; the tornado is almost here!” But a soft presence embraced my heart with a conviction that time and space are nothing in the universe of Spirit, God, and that I dwelt in the place of the most High, under the shadow of God’s wings (see Psalm 91).
Then came a question: “What is wind, really?” followed by an answer (again from Science and Health): “That which indicates the might of omnipotence and the movements of God’s spiritual government, encompassing all things” (p. 597). I saw that this first part of the definition of “wind” in the Christian Science textbook is the truth; the second part, “Destruction; anger; mortal passions,” is the material counterfeit.
Wow. God’s omnipotence and spiritual government were encompassing the entire cosmos. These truths – this spiritual afflatus – completely took me over.
I opened my eyes again. The disturbance had retreated. In about five minutes, it disappeared from view. Later that day the news from my departure city carried the story of a tornado that had unexpectedly formed in the storm system they had forecast, then dissipated, with no impact on the surrounding area.
Christian Science gives us a veritable spiritual toolbox from which to take fresh, God-given insights regarding what is actually true. Understanding these spiritual insights, we can reverse aggressive beliefs of threats and inharmony through humble prayer that surrenders to God’s view. In praying this way, I have also been inspired to make many practical changes that allow me to live more gently and efficiently.
Our Mother-Father God’s changeless being and infinite love and care are vastly superior to every kind of challenge, including those that come with an ever-evolving climate. Life is God, unfolding Love to our waiting hearts.
We have the privilege of working to spiritually realize the changeless nature of God’s universe as the only and actual reality, which leads us to take wise human footsteps. Let’s get to it!
Adapted from an article published in the Nov. 11, 2024, issue of the Christian Science Sentinel.