Expect God’s goodness … immediately!


A friend had been with her three-year-old son at a hotel pool, and as she turned to set her things down, her child stepped off into the deep end of the pool. She had rushed over to the pool’s edge, ready to jump in, but just then her son popped back up to the surface near the side, where she could easily pull him to safety.

The boy was unafraid. As he was toweled off, the mother asked him what he was thinking when he fell in. He said, “Mama, I don’t know how to swim, so I said, ‘Get under me quick, God!’ ” He expected to be helped by God and was saved.

When we expect immediate help from God, we receive it. Why is this so? The Bible tells us that God is ever present. Christian Science further brings out that God is all-acting and full of love for us. God is our Father-Mother, and we can never step out of Her care. God has created us spiritually: indestructible, innocent, free from harm. To turn to God, as this little one did, is to anticipate – and then receive – only good.

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