Farmers in Europe resist rapid shift to climate-friendly agriculture


The farmers demonstrating around Europe in recent weeks have a number of grievances. But at the heart of the unrest is a policy challenge with much wider, international implications: How can governments stem global warming and build more environmentally sustainable economies, in a way that is politically sustainable as well?

While the farmers’ complaints vary from country to country, their protests have been eagerly embraced by right-wing populist parties. They are taking aim at the European Union’s ambitious Green Deal, designed to make Europe the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050. And the EU is wobbling.

Why We Wrote This

Farmer protests in Europe pose a global question: How can governments make the shift to environmental sustainability politically sustainable?

If EU countries are going to meet their targets, they cannot avoid the kind of measures their leaders have now retreated from – reductions in the use of diesel, and in the emission of hydrogen pollutants and methane from fertilizers and dairy farming. But those policies cost farmers money and will have to be subsidized.

While climate change experts will be rooting for the EU to succeed, they are alarmed by its leaders’ scurrying retreat in the face of the farmer protests.

They are worried that this smells of political panic, and that it will encourage opponents of climate action to try to block, or at least whittle down, other key aspects of the Green Deal.

The growl of diesel-powered tractors, the stench of burning tires, manure sprayed at police. This week, in the normally staid Belgian capital of Brussels, months of protests by farmers across the 27-nation European Union became something much closer to a farmers rebellion.

And at its heart is a policy challenge with much wider, international implications: How can governments stem the rapid overheating of our planet, and build more environmentally sustainable economies, in a way that is politically sustainable as well?

For while the farmers’ grievances vary from country to country, their protests have been eagerly embraced by right-wing populist parties. They are taking aim at the EU’s ambitious European Green Deal, designed to make Europe the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050.

Why We Wrote This

Farmer protests in Europe pose a global question: How can governments make the shift to environmental sustainability politically sustainable?

With far-right groups already expected to make major gains in June’s elections for the European Parliament (that take place every five years), EU leaders have responded to the protests by beating a hasty retreat on a range of climate measures affecting agriculture.

Both France and Germany have shelved policies that would increase the price farmers pay for diesel fuel. The EU’s executive commission has backed away from Green Deal constraints on the use of inorganic fertilizers and some pesticides.

EU leaders still say they are determined to find longer-term arrangements that address farmers’ concerns while maintaining their commitment to their green economic agenda.

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