How mistrust explains all those frustrating things about US politics


More than a decade ago, the Occupy movement showed the left’s deep distrust in the government to solve America’s problems. Today, the movement for Donald Trump is in many ways the product of a similar conclusion from the other side. 

But the trend goes beyond politics. Trust in American institutions from corporations to the Supreme Court has been falling for decades. Why? Author Ethan Zuckerman explores the reasons in his most recent book, “Mistrust.” The trend is not all bad, he says in a wide-ranging interview with the Monitor. But the dysfunctional state of American politics is a warning sign. 

Why We Wrote This

A story focused on

U.S. politics is not working the way it used to. The system seems brittle and unresponsive. To make our voice heard, author Ethan Zuckerman says, we must understand what’s happening, and how to change it.

If people are feeling America’s institutions are out of touch, how do they make their voices heard? How do they rebuild trust?

What’s needed now, Mr. Zuckerman says, is a new model of action. It is still possible to make change, he adds. People just might need to do it differently from how they did in the past. If you know where to look, there are examples of what works.     

If you don’t think trust is important, take a look at Sicily. Yes, the birthplace of the Mafia. Shocking as it may seem, the Mafia was not created at the behest of Oscar-hungry Hollywood directors. It emerged because of a complete lack of trust.

Ignored by imperial rulers and gripped by a collapse of law and order, Sicilians turned to local power brokers. Want to sell a cow and you don’t trust the buyer? The Mafia arose as the answer to this problem, multiplied hundreds of times over. 

It’s a story author Ethan Zuckerman tells in his most recent book, “Mistrust: Why Losing Faith in Institutions Provides the Tools to Transform Them.” When trust fails, societies founder. Security, economic growth, and personal freedoms all suffer as trust becomes a commodity for sale. And it underscores why we should look at the story of modern America through the lens of trust, he says. 

Why We Wrote This

A story focused on

U.S. politics is not working the way it used to. The system seems brittle and unresponsive. To make our voice heard, author Ethan Zuckerman says, we must understand what’s happening, and how to change it.

In today’s deeply antagonistic politics, it often seems that one side couldn’t sell a cow to the other, much less pass complex legislation. The decline in trust explains a lot.

Mr. Zuckerman was an entrepreneur at the dawn of the 1990s dot-com boom – a true believer in the power of the internet to address humanity’s woes. Since then, he’s worked at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he studied the nexus of media, social media, society, and politics. Now he’s a professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. 

The book explores why Americans have lost faith in their institutions, and what that means. The numbers are stark. America’s trust in government, for example, has fallen from 77% to 16% since 1964. That general downward trend applies to virtually all American institutions. Mr. Zuckerman and I talked recently in conjunction with the Monitor’s Rebuilding Trust project. What’s going on in the United States, and what might the steps forward be?

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