Nearly Half of Americans Support a 16-Week Abortion Ban as We Head into an Election Year 


Since the overturn of Roe vs. Wade in June 2022, states have been allowed to make the final decision when it pertains to laws concerning abortion. Nearly two years later, the nation continues to remain divided, with many pro-life Americans seeking justice. Currently, 14 states completely ban abortion, 8 states have no restrictions, and the remaining states fall somewhere on the spectrum from minimal to severe accessibility (The New York Times)

In a recent poll, according to The Hill, 48 percent of American citizens claim they would support a nationwide 16-week abortion ban. Further reports indicate that 38 percent of Americans say abortion should not be legal and only allowed under “special circumstances,” such as when the mother’s life is at risk.

While governors on both sides have signed abortion laws pertaining to their states, this election year marks a tipping point that could change the trajectory of our nation, therefore putting stronger measures in place that could save more lives. The battle for human life is far from over. 

However, the major concern is the confusing verbiage of current abortion laws and policies. The misleading jargon has been denounced as a possible persuasively controlled message. Due to crafty and cunning political slogans and bends towards a certain view, it has been noted that several political leaders may be swaying Americans to get behind policies that have them ultimately supporting abortion (Townhall).

Earlier this month, The New York Times indicated that Trump “privately” supports the ban on abortion after 16 weeks, whereas Biden officials retorted that Trump was trying to hide his views and not being forthcoming with voters. Many democrats, and pro-choice activists, including Mini Timmaraju, stated, “Trump wants to make abortion illegal in all 50 states with unthinkable consequences for all Americans,” claiming this would take away women’s freedom (The Hill)

Tension runs high as Americans will soon be flooding the polls with the stance of abortion at the forefront of their minds. Due to the wide partisan gap within the parties, and such a glaringly close margin supporting abortion bans, the pending results cause heavy hearts for many seeking to protect the sanctity of life. 

As believers, where should we stand? 

It is vital during these unsettling times to understand how God views and values life, for both the mother and the baby. First, we are called to show compassion towards all people, and do so in love (1 Corinthians 16:14). This includes women who may find themselves in an unplanned and possibly frightening pregnancy situation. That said, we must peacefully approach these matters, voicing our concerns with truth, while wrapping it in dignity and grace. 

God values all life. While many misconceptions are circulating in our lost and broken world, God tells us life begins with formation in the womb (Psalms 139:13-16, Jeremian 1:5, Luke 1:41-43). We are told to value all life from the very beginning. God would never refer to human life, His most prized possession (James 1:18) as a “clump of cells” or a fetus. Human life is so much more to our God than that! As His precious creation, being made in His own likeness (Genesis 1:27), He is the giver of life (Genesis 2:7), and directs our steps with a plan and purpose (Jeremiah 29:11). 

The Bible also explicitly lays out six things that the Lord hates in Proverbs 6:16-19, one being hands that shed innocent blood. Since life begins in the womb, God values all life, and there is no life that is more innocent than that of an unborn child, abortion is strictly forbidden (Exodus 23:7). As faithful followers of the Lord, we need to pray that we see life the way He does, and that we detest what He detests, while loving what He loves. Essentially, our hearts need to break for what breaks His.  

As we head into this election year and this controversial topic gets more heated, causing a greater divide, let’s allow our actions, words, and deeds to speak of God’s truth, love, and grace. Then pray for God to move and claim yet another victory for life!


Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Salem Web Network, its staff or contributors.

Photo Courtesy: Tessa Rampersad/Unsplash

Alicia SearlAlicia Searl is a devotional author, blogger, and speaker that is passionate about pouring out her heart and pointing ladies of all ages back to Jesus. She has an education background and master’s in literacy.  Her favorite people call her Mom, which is why much of her time is spent cheering them on at a softball game or dance class. She is married to her heartthrob (a tall, spiky-haired blond) who can whip up a mean latte. She sips that goodness while writing her heart on a page while her puppy licks her feet. Visit her website at and connect with her on Instagram and Facebook.

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