‘Our Father’ – CSMonitor.com


“Our Father.” Those are the first words of the heartfelt prayer, known as the Lord’s Prayer, that Jesus gave his followers. I may have prayed it more times than I can count. Yet, recently, those two words struck me differently.

I’d tended to envision God’s fatherhood in a more general way, embracing all humanity, as He does. But it has become increasingly clear to me that this means God is actually the real and only Father of each one of us individually. So when I pray, “Our Father,” I am talking to my one and only Father, who is always very tangibly with me.

What is the nature of this ever-present Father? Did material conditions institute God? Clearly not. The Bible identifies God as Spirit. Spirit never could have any dependence on materiality, and we must understand this (see John 4:24).

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