Praying to end moral voids


At times moral voids – environments of wrong or evil activity that can include a kind of mental blindness that keeps it from being faced – seem to emerge. Sometimes it may happen on an individual level, or other times on a larger scale, such as in institutions and governments.

Quite frankly, sometimes even thinking about addressing moral voids can seem an overwhelming and out-of-reach task. But one thing I do know from experience is that turning sincerely to God in prayer for His view always brings healing answers. These strong declarations from the Bible encourage me: “Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord” (Jeremiah 23:24). Also, “The light keeps shining in the dark, and darkness has never put it out” (John 1:5, Contemporary English Version).

Christian Science, which I have studied and practiced for decades, has always brought me a deeper, clearer delineation of biblical truths. Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer of Christian Science, gleaned from the Bible the infinitude of God as ever-present divine Love and Spirit. Then she spent the rest of her life helping others to see the healing power of this spiritual understanding of the Scriptures.

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