The power of stillness –


When I was in seventh grade, stillness was not a quality that really resonated with me. When I would rustle around at the movies or in church, I might hear my parents whisper, “Mark, sit still!” Then I would do so for as long as I could – which usually wasn’t very long – before entirely forgetting about what they’d said.

And when I began feeling flu-like symptoms later that year, I felt anything but still and calm. My parents lovingly cared for me, and I knew from experience that I could rely on God for comfort and healing. But for a couple of days my prayers felt scattered.

A Christian Science practitioner who was praying with me mentioned how Jesus had prayed, “Peace, be still,” when he and his disciples were on a boat in the middle of a storm (Mark 4:39). When I’d heard this story before in Christian Science Sunday School, I’d assumed that he was simply telling the stormy sea, “Sit still!”

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