I know this is referenced by many as a day of prayer, a special day in May. Boy, do we need prayer — do we need answered prayer.
You know, I’m 80 years old. In my 80 years, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the deck stacked so high against freedom, against security, and against peace. It’s like death prevails. We need a miracle. We need a miracle only God can provide. And He says, “Come to me. Call on me and I’ll answer you.” He does hear. He does care.
He also tells us that we need to turn from our self-seeking, self-serving ways. It’s called repentance. Change your mind. Change your direction. Father, help us to do that. Help us to make the corrective course, the necessary course correction, in Jesus’s name.
Would you ask God to release healing power to this nation? Would you ask Him to release wisdom and courage and direction? Because we need it. And wisdom comes from above. Let’s ask Him to inspire and lead our leaders to seek the counsel and the wisdom that only comes from above.
My personal opinion? The only force on this planet that can break the bondage of evil and deception and destruction is the Body of Christ, the family of God, the Church. The Church needs to come together, quit taking up arms against one another, and go to battle against the deceiver, the divider, the destroyer. And walk over him like a serpent — like dust under your feet.
Father, heal our land. Change our hearts. Lead us to repentance. Lead us to life and love and direct our steps. Save our future as a free people. We’ve been so blessed to enjoy the freedom that only truth makes possible. So we ask You to heal this land. Pour out Your Spirit on us and through us so we can make a Kingdom impact on this planet for Your glory and fulfill Your Kingdom purpose. In Jesus’s name.
I’m not only praying for you. I’m praying with you.