Virginia data centers loom over rural farmland in Maryland


Dwight Baugher’s sun-dappled orchard is an hour’s drive and a world away from the congestion of northern Virginia, where tar-ribboned exit ramps and windowless warehouses make up what is known as “Data Center Alley.”

There, in that concrete expanse, Data Center Alley houses what is casually referred to as “the cloud,” which isn’t a cloud at all, but regimented rows of interconnected computer servers, miles of fiber-optic cables, and a massive network of cooling pipes – the physical backbone of our digital lives.

At the farm, the focus is dirt. The Baughers make their living growing apples, blackberries, and other fruit. They also host a pick-your-own business that attracts customers from across the region.

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“The cloud” has revolutionized the way people communicate, work, and share information. But some worry that growth comes at the expense of communities and livelihoods.

For them, “innovation” is the new cut-your-own tulip field that should be ready for tourists this spring. “Future planning” is deciding how to split farm operations among Mr. Baugher’s children, each of whom is eager to become part of the fifth generation of this family to tend these rolling, irrigated hills.

So it came as a shock when Mr. Baugher learned last summer just how tied he was to the rapidly expanding data center industry, two counties over.

It’s not that Mr. Baugher is isolated, or some “hillbilly in the Montana mountains,” as he puts it. He has a smartphone and “about 1 billion” junk emails he’s never deleted. His business, with its online presence, is the sort of data-based farming operation that modern agriculture requires. He knows he, too, is connected to the cloud.

Dwight Baugher poses in a field he uses for strawberries in Westminster, Maryland. Power companies plan to build high-voltage transmission lines across his property.

Still, “I chose farming because I wanted dirty hands, a clean mind, and a simple, prehistoric kind of lifestyle,” he says.

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